Paula Markkanen

Paula Markkanen (b.1997)
is a visual artist from Helsinki, Finland studying Fine Arts
in her final year at the
Royal Academy of Art The Hague, in The Netherlands.
Her artistic practice focuses on sculpture, painting, and drawing.
In Paula’s works, fairy-tale stories, seemingly impossible things, secrets, Finno-Ugric folklore,
the wisdom of nature,
collective unconscious and popular culture are interwoven into her own chaotic narratives.
Paula's naive and kitschy expression blends fairytale wonder with horror, longing, claustrophobia and fear of the unknown. Her works seek to create deep harmony in chaos – in and through life’s
contradictions and incongruities.

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Kipukivilinna is a fortress that has a magical ability to ease pain. It can create good fortune and inner powers for those who dare to step inside. It is made of memories and kipukivi, ‘pain stone’,
which in Finno-Ugric folklore is used by a supernatural being called Kiputyttö, ‘Pain Girl’, to stow away hurt and bad health. Kiputyttö healed people by pressing and grainding their pain against the kipukivi. Stone resists a lot, and seems like it is not bothered by the pain it is asked to store...

Paper mache, ceramics, aluminium, found objects:
27 stars, broken hearts, Gucci bunny and ghost friends, spiders, bats, magic keys, teddybear lovers, lucky aliens
and so on…

100cm x 205cm x 155cm

Part of a group exhibition Everything That Grows Underground, 2023
in West Museum Den Haag in The Netherlands
Earth Is Giving Birth


Oil on canvas
90 x 90cm

A mirror of Invisible Girl


Glazed and painted ceramic, found objects

Part of a group exhibition in Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Czech Republique, 2023

Meet me in the World’s Deepest Hotel Room


Soft pastel and colored pencil on paper
21cm x 29cm

Shock Ride


Colored pencil on paper
42cm x 58cm